Deal or No about a New Deal?
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" spoken during the period of the first New Deal has carried on and is spoken so frequently it almost isn't a quote anymore so much as just an accepted truth. Rather ironic that it is nothing more than a recursive reference to our own inadequacies and need to justify everything. He made this statement as a prelude to changes to come that were dramatic, liberal and meant to drive community based responsibility for the economic revival so desperately needed.
This particular post could get more lengthy than would be intellectually valuable, so I will bullet point some of the things that FDR implemented, received or instigated, as the case may be:
* Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
* Repeal of Prohibition
* Silver Buffalo Award
* Guillain-Barre Syndrome (not polio)
* Fireside Chats (Radio Commentaries)
* Securities and Exchange Commission
* 21st Amendment
* Social Security
* Withholding Taxes
* Good Neighbor Policy
* Fair Labor Standards Act (Minimum Wage)
* Served 4 terms in office
* Tennessee Valley Authority
* Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
There are more but I only need to demonstrate a point of effect on every aspect of what may be termed governmental controls but is more like leadership guiding community or some may say more the likes of Balanced Socialism. I do not argue either position, I only demonstrate accomplishment and under what could be considered the most personal and politically tumultuous time of the previous century.
Human as well, he had indiscretions and warlike vengeance at times. Would he be ashamed of what we have become or proud of our accomplishments...whatever we each may think they are or are not.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Posted by
7:07 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
An aphoristic philosopher (and one of the few that by definition remains true) whose tenacity and audacity inspired and yet still inspires to this day many who think of themselves as intellectuals. Defining truth was an infinitely questionable journey in the mind of Nietzsche and any acceptance of such was a true prize to those who had presented anything to him. Nietzsche determined himself to be of no home for a long period of his intellectual development, which lends itself to his personality of challenging status quo. He did not need a definition or an origin for himself, only a journey in seeking greater things.
Health issues followed Nietzsche throughout his life, creating a pessimistic and readily critical individual that was not afraid (constant pain seems to give one internal fortitude) to speak against the "accepted" at any time and also any place. Nietzsche traveled extensively throughout the seasons and whether this was just for his own internal need to experience more or analyze it as well...or just a need to speak to a greater audience and find oneself...I cannot and will not surmise. In his earlier days, when he transitioned from accepted methodologies to analyze and critique things to a more speculative and challenging perspective, he found himself ousted by many of the "standard" brains of the time. Even furthered throughout his life, he would get close to someone only to alienate them in turn as he could challenge that which was right in front of him and do it without fail or question often.
He created his isolation, but hated it. This furthers my notion that social or communal input is required to thrive as a species. His writing style, being so heavily laden with what we would be considered profanity at that time, left few people with a clear vision of his philosophy. Tainted by what was deemed as anger, it was often dismissed or lacked what is necessary to aquire a cultural embrace. His tendency to be psychoanalytical in a philosophical debate has given many people today the ability to endorse his efforts a moral, even though Nietzsche by no means considered himself nor anyone else moral.
I ask but one question...Could Nietzsche have had a muse or was his search his only muse?
Next: Franklin Delano Roosvelt
Posted by
2:42 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Karl Marx
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."
If you have studied economics or political history, this quote should have been heard several times and applied to many situations. In his own time, Marx was not a known or revered individual but his words and concepts brought about a shift in ideology well into the last century.
A brilliant philosopher, learned in economic theory, who put a critical view on history...Karl Marx laid the foundations for communism. A premise, at least initially, which was founded in sound reasoning. Intended to be a solution to social delineations and negate class diversification created by a capitalist supply versus demand scenario, it was manipulated and further criticized as he became more pliable to political idealists.
An immense amount of reading various interpretations of Marx's texts led me to read quite a bit of the originals myself as there were far too many variations and inconsistencies for me to rely on any one translated source. As I believe that social interaction is necessary and integral to how change is managed, Marx inferred this same concept in a refute of 'nature' or 'subjectivity' for a more influenced behavior from environmental or more objective critieria.
Marx's economic concepts of inevitable recessions periodically as a result of capitalist 'mode of production' prove themselves to this day. Reading his words and the attempts to discredit them, you will see the rational and honest presentation of history and precedence that is fought only because it criticizes self-interset and desire for wealth as natural.
Yell for equality and fairness and yet perpetuate such only when it suits you personally...not the common (greater) good.
Sorry for the extensive delay in my writings...I have shifted my life focus and had to recreate my emotional and physical environments.
Next Up: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Posted by
3:32 PM
Francois-Marie Arouet
Also known as Voltaire, this outspoken philosopher and writer (has anyone ever known a philosopher that was not also a writer?)was versed in Latin, Greek, Italian, Spanish and English. A prolific writer with sharp wit and an adoration for "drama", he managed to create quite a bit with a background in law, but a need to defy it. His defiance was not unjust or inappropriate by today's standards, but in his time was subject to both persecution and prosecution.
Often thought to be an atheist, his faith was present and unhidden, but his need to strike blows at organized religion or any form of absolute understanding furthered the earlier perception. A deist that now has a spiritual concept with his name on it; "Voltairean Pantheism". (What I wouldn't give to have such a coined phrase about my brilliance and fearless approach to the world...)
Though he fought brilliantly and rationally on many issues of injustice, his belief that many were lesser than Europeans simply because of origin limits my ability to have any faith in his statements that only an enlightened leader can evoke change. This is nebulous in the fact that it does not specify leader or enlightenment. A rich and noble man in his last years, he is quoted and misquoted often and to this day misunderstood to be an artist rather than what he was...which is???
Posted by
9:58 AM
Henry Louis Mencken
"Democracy is...the worship of Jackals by Jackasses..."
I cannot find many individuals who managed to have a state legislature pass a motion to pray for their soul. H.L. Mencken accomplished just that in 1931 due to a reference to Arkansas as the "apex of moronia". (I am sooo going to use that!)
When reviewing any works or references to Mencken, one must remember he was revered for his satirical nature. He consistently presented an anti-American, crass libertarian perspective. He accepted elitism as a necessary course of community. Refuted any claims that he was a racist, though his stereotyping and audacious writings against all ethnicities would bode otherwise.
If I write much more about H.L. Mencken, it will give away the common thread between all of those whose opinions I would value. I challenge any of you (heck, all of you) to read Libido for the Ugly or Treatise on Right and Wrong to genuinely test your skills on analyzing satirical prose for sincerity versus cynicism. Besides, they are exceptional reads especially if you consider the time period in which they were written.
Posted by
9:52 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Pope John Paul II
The "Universal Call to Holiness" provided this pontificate an opportunity to evoke change in a time of political and spiritual unrest. Pope John Paul II was a polyglot, librarian, actor and writer prior to becoming the first Polish pope. His views and approach were criticized by both liberal and secular viewpoints.
From refusing requests by the Vatican staff to stop jogging and exercising where he may be seen by tourists to forgiving multiple assassination attempts, Pope John Paul II flouted acceptance for ethical congruity around the world. Standing firm upon his convictions even on progressive issues such as abortion, homosexuality and females within the priesthood. Not to say his views were 'right' but his ability to draw conclusions definitively and develop the 'Theology of the Body' demonstrate a respect for the wonder that is humanity and all of its various incarnations.
His call to action was heard by more people than any other pontificate in human history and his character remains credible even in death.
Did you know that his research argued in favor of evolution being accepted and even correlated it to the book of Genesis? Did you know he sen the first papal email? Did you know the sun eclipsed on both his day of birth and death?
- Totus Tuus to this day -
Next up: H. L. Mencken
Posted by
7:27 PM
Hermes Trismegistus
Referred to as the 'ethical atheist' by many, Hermes Trismegistus was far from such as defined in Webster's: "–noun - a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings." My research shows a pragmatic philosopher of purported truths; a priest, if you will, of a broadened scope of reality than traditionally accepted within Christianity.
If one person, many persons or merely a myth, Trismegistus is readily associated with the occult where again I find no application by definition. "–adjective - of or pertaining to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies. –noun - the supernatural or supernatural agencies and affairs considered as a whole. I have not found that any of his works are in said fashion maybe loosely, but no more so than any religion would fall under such a term. I can only infer that, as in all religions, people chose to interpret his readings in such a way as to make them applicable for ego-centric relevance.
I argue that the 'divine trinity' is respect for knowledge before us provided by 'the ALL'; an all-encompassing deity, that is not magical nor mystical. It is our fundamental unawareness of the past creations or an unnecessary origin that creates mysticism.
There is a respect and admiration for the unknown, such as birth and death. The words are put forth by Trismegistus in such a way as to invoke awe, encourage tolerance and apply scientific theory to that we can; our minds are our uniqueness and our commonality. Applying analysis to an encultured philosophy was and still is an act of transitional alienation. An act only those with confidence are willing to sacrifice acceptance for and empower knowledge regardless.
Posted by
7:16 PM
Harriet Tubman
Possibilities instead of fate...Resistance rather than compliance.
Araminta Ross, though physically and mentally abused, was compelled to push fear aside to find "liberty". Her self fulfillment was found in defying unjust standards and putting a new definition to the courage required to achieve freedom.
Consistently open-minded, intolerant of apathy and aggressively motivational, Harriet Tubman insisted upon evoking change in a time where challenging those in positions of power would mean abuse, torture or even death. In seeking liberty for all, she is not only a figure in African-American history, but women's suffrage and subsequently a legacy that enlightens to the greater good.
Enabling hundreds of people to be true to their conscience and liberate themselves of the inhumanity of the period. A patriotic humanitarian with the ability and tenacity to remain true to a government that harshly denied her wartime efforts. Only after her death, of which she was not afraid, did her contributions get recognized and still celebrated to this day.
Posted by
7:12 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Gendun Drup
If I had to isolate something as close to pure from an emotional standpoint, it would have to be Buddhism. I am cautious in that statement because there are variations of Buddhism as there are variations of almost everything, yet at the root of all Buddhism are certain fundamentals that are as pure as I believe is understandable and that is what ethics should be, pure that is. Untainted by subjective matters, point of view, inference or even influence is a goal of ethical reasoning but next to impossible. A reasonable goal is to be as close as possible.
I have recognized in Buddhism this regurgitation of praise and respect for life and the universe and all that should be awed. I want to view the world from this purist perspective just once. Gendun Drup being the "First" Dalai Lama would be the purest of all of these I suppose. The least regurgitated as well, his appreciation genuine and modest, his humiliation the utmost and would revel in being humbled by someone so utterly humble. What a revelation.
Gendun Drup also wrote extensively on the values of Tara, whose values are the same as those needed to drive critical thinking and ethical reasoning. If you have such respect and admiration of such things as his writings display, you must exude them in your day to day existence.
In all honor an humility, I present my first person of value.
There will be more future posts on Tara and such long in the future.
Next Post: Harriet Tubman
Posted by
8:34 PM
Labels: appreciation, buddhism, ethical reasoning, fundamentals, respect, subjective, tara
Monday, December 10, 2007
Valued Opinions
So let's just rip into the carcass of this wounded blog I have left out there in my last post with 10 somewhat out there choices for opinions. I mean they all have their merits, but I have had questions from many as to how could I have chosen this one or that one and how could I honestly give credence to their opinions.
Just as I had expected, few could view the subjects entirely without considering how they applied their perspectives or how those perspectives were interpreted by those of you on an individual level rather than how they might have been applicable in a particular scenario or such. How often we fail to make things relative or consider an entire picture before we sit in judgement. Judgement, there is a non-objective term itself. Judgement has its place, but this blog is not it. This is a forum to develop reasoning and perception, embrace possibilities, tolerance and become empowered with spirit to evoke change. Then call to action those skills and change our world.
So, I need you to remember the following basic principles of critical thinking and ethical reasoning before I post 11 more times, one for each individual to give them their dues respectively and then one to bring together how they share principles that make them "great" in MY definition. Because regardless of what I am teaching here, this is MY blog.
* Bear in mind the purpose
* Inferences and Assumptions
* Point of View
* Consequence
* Are there Concepts (laws, theories, etc.?)
* Ensure the following: Clarity, Accuracy, Precision, Relevance, Depth, Breadth, Logic, Significance, Fairness (all of this even has to be applicable by audience)
* Information (Research)
* Beware the human nature of egocentricity (though necessary only in respect to existence itself, completely irrelevant in critical thinking and ethical reasoning)
* Beware and Befriend Language (Communication is Empowerment but only when used respectfully)
* Empathy
* Integrity
* Humility
* Willingness to come to a conclusion
And that is just a brief list to get you started. To think critically and reason ethically, you have to overhaul your natural tendency to think of making the world how you would like for it to be and seeing things from your internal "thumbnail". There isn't a secret decoder ring telling you how to make all the right choices and do everything right that comes in the bottom of the cereal box, the best you can do is get told to "drink your Ovaltine". Besides who is to say what is right nowadays...that is the quandary isn't it.
I will start off in a day or so with the Gendun Drup (the 1st documented (in the most documents I researched) Dalai Lama)). But I am holding off on my first post to get at least a few more comments with your thoughts to the forum, not just to me on why you think I have chosen who I have. Come on now, quit talking just to me and let the community here know what you have to say. I apologize for not allowing anonymous comments, but I find personalization provides for a more intellectual conversation.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: assumption, consequence, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, ethics, inference, objectivism, percpetion
Friday, December 7, 2007
10 People Whose Opinion I Would Value
I know I said 5, but I had to make it 10. I just couldn't hold back. These are in no order of value as who I would choose would depend upon the knowledge I was seeking, but all would contribute greatly to any research or decision in my opinion.
Hermes Trismestigus - Ethical Atheist
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of the U.S.
Friedrich Nietzsche - Western (German) Philosopher
Karl Heinrich Marx - Western (Prussian) Philosopher
François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) - Writer, Deist & Philosopher
Henry Louis (H. L.) Mencken - American Essayist
Gendun Drup - The 1st Dalai Lama
Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Russian Essayist & Philosopher
Pope John Paul II (born: Karol Józef Wojtyła)
Harriet Tubman - Humanitarian
Oh and now you know I am going to get into why each one of them would contribute greatly to a conversation on community, role models and environmental respect. I wanted to just post this teaser first because I want you to think about what makes these people similar and why each of them is valuable from both critical thinking and/or ethical reasoning. I think you will be surprised when you put on your objective hat and actually "think" without clouded vision what enlightenment is out there for you and how much your mind is capable of.
I would love for you to post your theories prior to my actual dissertation on these individuals contributions.
Posted by
7:28 PM
Labels: christianity, community, critical thinking, environment, ethical reasoning, Hermes, humanitarianism, objectivism, philosophy, Pope, role models, Tolstoy, Tubman, Voltaire
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Chick-fil-A is Sexy
What a this an ad you might find yourself asking...NO WAY! That is definitely not something I would do and completely not the way I intend this blog to move, but I have to say it. Chick-fil-A is sexy. At least the two I go to are and some of the research I have done thus far on the company just because of the experience are leading me to believe. So for now, I am just leaving a few notes as a teaser until I finish the research and see if they deserve full attention for being a community player and a corporate role model.
Let's talk about sexy and contagious (not a word you normally want to associate with an eating establishment) from the moment I pull in because I know my expectations are going to be not only met, but exceeded to the moment I pull out feeling like I am actually "something on a stick" (pardon the southern). From the sincere welcome, the smiles from morning people (where do they come from?), offers for condiments (you mean I don't have to ask...) and then the clincher "My pleasure" or "We look forward to seeing you at the window". I actually believe they do. This my pleasure thing makes me want to fix my hair before I get up there and bat my eyelashes no matter whether it is a man or a woman who took my order and it makes my morning, midday or evening.
I would love to lambaste them for not offering me this lovely upswing in my mood on Sundays, but obviously they are on to something, because I don't mind the wait.
I am going on a Chick-fil-A research mission to see if this is consistent...and I expect anomalies, but if it proves true and my other background research from a corporate perspective bears well. They may fall into my top 10 corporate images for the future of humanity. I want to feel sorry for the chickens, but it is just too much pleasure to drive-thru in the morning. Be free free! Mediocre Service surrounds you as of now and poor corporate structure.
Next post: Back to serious and The Top 5 People I Would Like to Ask for Help and Why?
Posted by
8:18 PM
Labels: chick-fil-a, community, corporate role model, drive-thru, my pleasure, sexy
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Pliable vs. StoneWall
How does one keep from "growing old inside"? Surely only in community. The only way to make friends with time is to stay friends with people…. Taking community seriously not only gives us the companionship we need, it also relieves us of the notion that we are indispensable. -- Robert McAfee Brown
I have, personally, failed at this miserably. This is what triggered so much of my awareness recently and my drive to change the world. Take a look at all the following current "challenges" and see how easily they correlate to at least one single common factor.
- Taking prayer out of schools is the reason for school violence.
- People not going to Church is the reason for violence and malcontent.
- Famous People don't behave like role models should; there is no sense of responsibility.
- People are having children that don't want them because of moral decay.
A lack of allowing our children to share in a communal spirit, embrace culture and tolerance (it actually goes far deeper than the whole prayer argument). Church is now considered non-trendy, old-school, non-communal, and hypocritical. Famous people aren't supposed to be role models and we made them so, then removed their community, isolated because they have to protect themselves and they have no sense of trust or in some cases even family. People are having children because they lack education (both personal, emotional, empowering and book) which is a communal responsibility.
We have generated an egocentric, wait, 'ego-societal' generation. WE, WE, WE, I, I, I take ownership for the failures of the past and WE, WE, WE, I, I, I must and will take leadership and ownership of the change that will take time and commitment and often leave me disheveled like a politicians email and alone while I infuriate those that fear that which they don't understand. But slowly and surely, it will happen over the course of time where we remedy the crimes purported against our community and ourselves and revive our purpose.
Live in a way that you wouldn't mind if it were viral. Infect people. Take ownership of the whole that you contribute to. In overprotecting a few "dearest" or creating false "idols", we enable segregation on levels far deeper than any visual or perceived label can ever transcend.
In explaining the word pliable to my 9-year old the other day, something sparked in my head. We aren't pliable anymore, the malleability is gone and some stonewall is in its place. Peace and faith (and don't confuse that with any religious overtones, get some vocabulary and remove the judgement) have been replaced with fear and "mines vs. yours".
Posted by
8:51 PM
Labels: children, community, corporate role model, moral decay, prayer, responsibility, schools, tolerance, violence
Friday, November 23, 2007
My Lists
5 things I want to accomplish tomorrow
Teach my children something
Learn something
Remember how I am important
Contribute to my life
Contribute to some one's life
5 things I want to accomplish in the next month
Teach my children something
Learn something
Remember how I am important
Contribute to my life
Contribute to some one's life
5 things I want to accomplish in the next year
Teach my children something
Learn something
Remember how I am important
Contribute to my life
Contribute to some one's life
5 things I want the closest person to me to accomplish in the next year
Teach their children something
Learn something
Remember how they are important
Contribute to their life
Contribute to some one's life
5 things I want my community to accomplish in the next year
Teach children something
Learn something
Remember how everyone is important
Contribute to community life
Contribute to the community's future
5 things I want the global community to accomplish in the next year
Teach everyone something
Learn something
Remember how the world is important
Contribute to all life
Respect all life
Tips to the Cynics that are screaming, "Great! Another vague inference so that no matter what is said or done, everything is applicable. Let me challenge your cynicism with my own evaluation of the list. Some people need lists that are finite and easily visible. To me that is just a checklist (and I am a list maker, just ask my husband or my co-workers) and something that just contributes to order and measures accomplishment for those who need that reinforcement for their own self worth to be validated. When you are dealing with a list that is intangible in physical terms (which in my case...they are directly, by tactile senses, intangible) you have to give yourself liberty because any intelligent person realizes that as we learn more and mature, we adapt (this is also known as wisdom).
My list is emotional and intellectual, not task based. It is about living so that all of the subsequent lists contribute to the vision (that greater good thing which I keep referring to). We all must see our place in the big picture and we must also learn to understand that we are one of a kind within millions. We are just confused about how we find our place mainly because we are looking in all the wrong places for all the easy answers. There are questions for which we are not meant or entitled to an answer.
Remember when you would hear "Because" and respond with the lovely "Because Why?" or the even more plausible "Because I said so". When we are young before we learn (and it is learned behavior) that sometimes it is more valuable to step away without an answer and/or just to accept whatever is as just that, whatever it is. Yet today we find ourselves almost regressing back to immaturity as we are okay with "Because" or "Because I said so", the why is now selectively ignored. I actually challenge you to answer my lists on a daily basis just for good measure (and a small note for those of you with the smart alack in you, necessities for existence do not count unless they are being denied of you (food, water, the thriving that occurs when love is prevalent)).
Teach my children something - This is such an easy one and we walk away from such a brilliant opportunity everyday. I am very fortunate to have children that will need to learn humility and to share their gifts with others. The challenge is that every day I have to teach them to be humble and responsible for their gifts and impart their knowledge, not treat it as territory or a treasure.
Learn something - This one I never take for granted. I adore learning about things most people would consider nonsense even. My latest interest is in Astronomy because it fascinates my 9 year old. So my latest readings have been on quasars, blazars and magnetars and the origins of super novas, etc. Researching things that may not ever have an answer, this I enjoy the most because that is where we can determine the reality that defines humanity. We do need those limits and we have lost sight of them. On a side note, I am also reading about the caves where John was said to have written the book of Revelations. I don't like to write or approach any subject unless I have personally read and researched it myself with the application of appropriate analytical thinking and research skills.
Remember how I am important - This is the most difficult of all of the items on the list amazingly enough, but if you manage to do all the others, honestly this should be a "gimme". It would be human to say I think, therefore I am and inherently important and something probably about erring is in there somewhere too..definitely the erring part. We are the super species only because we do not know what we do not know so we assume we do and plan all that we do everyday and even get to justify it on those same means. With that absolutely nothing being said quite well, I have proven my worth for today.
Contribute to my life - I stay focused on what can be, not what is now or what is supposed. I have eaten well today and kissed and said I love you to all of those that needed to hear it from me.
Contribute to some one's life - I wrote this blog post. I wrote a bajillion thank you emails for existing in my life to everyone (that isn't directly related to me) I could think of today and added the one random person I looked upon the internet that I do every year because I am glad they exist. Great, now my family and husband will know I do this crazy thing every year and have me committed.
What is an amazing affirmation of your existence? Is that even though you think noone knows you are around or would notice if you were gone? I received 1,262 emails this week at just one email account and even though 30% were merely SPAM, the other half were people that I interact with and have the opportunity to affect EVERY single day. Sit back and bask in the glory of your own chance to change the world.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. -- Nietzsche
Posted by
11:27 PM
Labels: accomplishment, checklist, children, community, intellectual, life
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Insert - Thanksgiving
Do people in general actually understand the concept of being thankful ( I prefer grateful, but I will concede for a moment)? I think that the majority of youth in the last two generations have no real concept of grateful; there is an innate sense of entitlement and expectation that in my youth would have landed me a house shoe upside the head on a good day. On a bad day, I am certain a switch would have been involved.
This is not the fault of youth in itself or any generation, ethnicity or economic condition. The fault lies in the largest part with parents or may be better said as a lack of parents and/or parenting. We teach our boys to be less like boys (wearing pink and playing with dolls) and our girls to be alluring far before they even have hormones to factor in. Let's boys play with dolls occasionally but they call them action figures. I am NEVER putting my sons in pink and if that is an error in my judgement than so be it. There needs to be an edge in being male and that edge is taught when they are young; it correlates with the teaching of respect, admiration and ambition. What happened to the time when being a police officer, a fireman or a soldier was not only admirable but something to be revered.
Nowadays, short of being a TV or music star, you will not gain the image of role model. We are now in a position where our highest held position of president is no longer a position of respect or an image of role model. Granted, we encourage invasion of privacy and judge people on things that our none of our business and if the job is getting done and done well...then on a professional level, that is respect. We hold our presidents to some unrealistic expectation unless they purport some belief that corresponds with our own and then suddenly ignorance and apathy is tolerated and almost encouraged.
I really enjoyed an article ( about how a group of military personnel came together for Thanksgiving. It really had nothing to do with what Thanksgiving is supposedly about (which in itself is hipocrasy) but more about community and appreciation and respect.
I appreciate every individual that contributes to my life directly or indirectly. I can even find something to appreciate in the individuals that have forced a world of security systems and terrorism. Challenge is: How could I say such a thing? Well, I appreciate and respect that a human has capabilities and challenges any walls put up before him. I respect that any individual can stand behind his beliefs so vigorously. I respect that it is only with coercion and a lack of parenting that one can be brought to justify the means to any end. Parents empower the future just as much as they handicap it.
One small note, everyone who has any friends or relates to any person has a role as a parental figure. Live cautiously as what you share empowers the future...give out the good stuff, don't keep it all to yourself.
I am grateful for my choices, for my family, my friends and every one of you.
Next Post: My lists as previously promised.
Posted by
7:03 PM
Labels: appreciation, community, corporate role model, entitlement, grateful, parenting, Thanksgiving